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President Mary A. Graham standing confidently and ready to serve.

Remarks and the Gavel Cont.

I would like to especially thank the musical staff this week. Thank you, Michael Logan, the drummer, YWA praise team, Women praise team, and all soloists and choirs that have blessed us this week. Your ministry this week was vital to aspects of worship, and I want to thank each of you for using your gifts for this convention. This session could not have been a blessing to so many without the expertise and talents of all who served. I will be forever grateful to each of you for all the sacrifices this week.

Thank you, Dr. Marie Newton-Tabon, Ms. Olivia Lindsay, Mrs. Deanna Wages, Dr. Marion Newton, Rev. Senora Mumford, Dr. Jacqueline Thompson, Dr. Michelle Jones and Rev. Windley Jr., for standing with me this week to remind us all of the power in using our voice and influence. I would like to thank my family for their continuous support, and especially my children who find it not robbery to daily take care of me. I give them plenty of attitude and lip constantly, but I thank God for them immensely. Lastly, I want to thank Almighty God for answering my prayers and answering your prayers for this session to be a supernatural occurrence, and that we won’t leave the same way we came. Did you enjoy the convention? Let me know, did you enjoy the convention?



Our prayers were answered, my brothers and sisters, and I thank Almighty God for it all. As you leave today, please go back to your churches and areas using your voice to make a difference. Reach out and help somebody. Tutor our children, heal the broken relationships and issues, heal you, my brothers and sisters. In the coming year, let’s have a praise report when we meet again that we took all learned this week and made steps in changing lives. Whatever you do, don’t forget to lift your voice telling this world about Jesus. Please continue to lift me in prayer and pray for us all in this convention. I love you all and I thank God for each of you. I now call this 136th annual session of the Woman’s Baptist E&M Convention to a close, using my voice to give God praise, thanking Him for all He’s done in this session.


Benediction, Rev. George Windley Jr.

WBEMCSC women standing in unity
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